Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and be its master. " (God's Word translation)

Thursday 16 June 2011

Time Management

Okay so from the introduction it is evident that my life is busy, but then again who today isn't busy.  I have been challenged lately to manage my time better. I have recently been reading this e-book by Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom®  (free e-book by Money Saving Mom) which I am finding very interesting and helpful.  Lets hope that it helps me to be a better mom, wife and pastor.  Today is a public holiday, no school.  My husband is away till late tonight so I have been taking a super slow day, cleaning house and keeping the kids entertained in the rain. 

Off to catch up on some reading, remember to live your dreams!

Wednesday 15 June 2011


Okay, so I have been threatening for months to start a blog.  I think the idea of sharing the things that are going on in my head has been a bit intimidating.  However, fear has to be conquered, so here I am ready to bare my soul. 

My life is full, I am a mom to four children, three boys and one little girl who seriously makes up for the fact that there is less XX. My eldest, Nate is eight years old, he is a sensitive boy with huge brown eyes.  He is always eager to learn and I am enjoying seeing the world through his eyes.  Seth is my second son, he is six.  He is very practical and is always trying to figure out how things work.  My little princess, Sarah is three going on sixteen, she is sassy and full of confidence.  She adds a bit of flavour to the mix.  Micah is my baby, he is 15 months old and is a little monkey.  He has spent the last week recovering from a bout of chicken pox, it has been fun to say the least.  I think it is the only time I have ever seen him with a frown on his face.  My kids are truly miracles and gifts from God.  I enjoy seeing how their personalities develop and how even though I have three boys that none of their personalities are the same.

I met my husband, Conrad when I joined the church that I fellowship at about 16 years ago.  He was the youth pastor and I was one of the youth leaders.  We only started courting after I finished school, even though he thought I was rather high maintenance.  Hahaha, little did he know.  We have been married for almost 11 years and I realise every day that there is still so much that we are going to experience on the journey of marriage.  He has profoundly changed me as a person, in a good way I must say, I have mellowed during the years that we have been together, C brings out the best in me.  I love being married to him, he is my best friend and the one who puts things in perspective for me. 

I work with him at the church where we are associate pastors and where I head up the elementary department of the childrens' ministry.  Between work, marriage and parenting I still do some other things that I am passionate about.  I am involved with a non-profit that hands out nappy bags to women who have given birth at the local government hospital.  We go and pray with them and celebrate this very important event in their lives.  For some of these moms, the nappies and clothing that we give them are the only clothes they have for their new arrival. 
Recently my involvement has increased because there are a number of babies that are born sleeping at the hospital A group of women, some who have experienced a miscarriage or also had a baby born sleeping have birthed this ministry and I have the privilege of being involved in bringing God's love and encouragement to women who are experiencing the sad event of their baby being born sleeping. I believe the only way that I am capable to be involved in this ministry is by the grace of God, His strength is perfect even when we are weak. I have also learnt so much from a friend who is one of the driving forces behind Babies Born Sleeping, her daughter was born sleeping 21 months ago.

I am also presently trying to teach myself to sew, it's not as if my life isn't busy enough.  Gosh I almost failed to mention that I am also presently completing my third and final year of Bible School.

Just thinking about all the wonderful things that make my life worth living has made me realise just how blessed I am.

Go out and inhabit earth, live your dreams!